Phrases That Will Help You Handle a Micromanaging Boss

Micromanagement can be a major source of workplace stress and high turnover rates. But if your boss is micromanaging you and you feel like it’s negatively affecting your job performance, there are steps you can take to improve the situation. The initial step in improving your working relationship with your […]

Leadership Qualities That Will Make You A Great Leader

If you’re just beginning your career or an experienced professional, developing leadership skills is essential. Leadership involves solving problems, encouraging creativity and aligning business objectives with personal ones. Effective leaders possess a clear direction and plan for getting there. Additionally, they possess an infectious enthusiasm for working towards their objectives […]

Daily Morning Habits That Will Set You Up For Success

For success, it’s essential that you lay a strong foundation early in the day. Doing this will allow you to complete your work on schedule with less stress. Successful people are usually clear about their goals each morning and avoid distractions like social media first thing in the morning. 1. […]